Gain The Experience You Need to Land the Job You Want
Quickly move to the first employment by collaborating on realistic IT projects provided by tech companies in a real job environment
Quickly move to the first employment by collaborating on
realistic IT projects provided by tech
companies in
a real job
  • Over 1,000 successful job placements
  • 25 CTOs ready to hire you
  • Over 1,000 successful job placements
Why It's Tough for Software Engineers to Find a Job in 2024?
The job market is wild right now. Employers want candidates with loads of experience, and fresh grads just don’t have it. Competing with seasoned pros is tough when all you have is a limited academic portfolio
Crazy Job Market
No Real- World Skills
The job hunt is confusing without a roadmap. Many juniors don’t know how to craft their resume, which projects will impress, or how to nail tech interviews. This lack of direction can kill confidence and make landing a job even harder
No Clear Path
Most juniors lack real-world experience. They’ve never worked in real teams, used tools like Jira, or built modern tech architectures. Academic projects don’t cut it when it comes to real job tasks
Most juniors lack real-world experience. They’ve never worked in real teams, used tools like Jira, or built modern tech architectures. Academic projects don’t cut it when it comes to real job tasks
Jobs go to those with standout resume and experience to discuss in interviews
Don’t waste time - start building your experience and portfolio
Fully prepared IT projects with design and requirements
Work with teammates at the same skill level
Use tools: Jira, Slack, Gitlab, Figma, Docker, Swagger
Get guidance from a dedicated PM and team lead
Receive feedback on your code and soft skills
Join Neobis to Kickstart Your Tech Career!
Peer mentorship: receive guidance, then mentor others
Resume reviews and interview prep
Get hired by our partners and receive a refund
Qualification by CTO upon project completion
Earn 3 certificates for instant job matching
How it Works?
In 2-5 days, we’ll assemble a team for your project, including a backend, frontend, and mobile developer. Our experienced staff will guide and support your team throughout the project
2 - Team Matching
We’ll provide all project materials, introduce you to your team, outline tasks for the week, and set up call schedules and communication rules
3 - Onboarding
Dedicate 3-4 hours a day (like 20 h/week part-time job) to your project, using tools like GitLab, Jira, Slack, and participating in daily standups
4 - Project Development
5 - Deployment
Release your project so it’s visible to everyone. Plus, attend a masterclass on presenting your project on GitHub, updating your resume, and planning your next project
1 - Apply and Connect
Submit your application, and we’ll set up a free 30-minute call to assess your skills, match you with a project, explain the program, and create a career roadmap to help you land a job in 1-3 months
Must Have Join Neobis, if:
You’ve studied backend, frontend, or mobile development, but your resume is empty
You just graduated from a coding bootcamp, CS degree, or did self-study, and have no real-world experience
You’ve never developed a project in a team, and never deployed/published IT project
You lack confidence about landing your first job or feel unprepared for a professional work environment
You’re ready to advance from frontend or backend to full-stack through practical projects
The sooner you join Neobis, the sooner you land a job
Must Have Join Neobis, if:
Say goodbye to empty resume and hello to the first job
Select the Plan for You!
  • Join community
  • Find peers yourself
  • Develop free projects
  • Get resume template
  • Project's requirements
  • UX/UI design
  • API documentation
  • Chat with community
from $29
  • Project's requirements
  • Same level teammates
  • Dedicated PM and CTO
  • Real job simulation
Full Job Simulation
We Have Helped 1000+ Developers get Their First Job. That's What They Say About us:
Jumanov Kairat (Frontend)
"Programming is just a hobby, I'm a taxi driver"
Before I joined the club, I felt a lack of awareness in my programming skills. But now, thanks to Neobis, I have learned not only new technologies and methods, but also found new friends who share my passion for programming. Excellent communication with the people who are in the club has become no less important than the knowledge I have gained.
Imansaparov Malik (Frontend)
Before my internship at Neobis, I had big gaps in my soft skills. I didn't understand how to properly go through the team development process. During the internship, he learned how to communicate with the customer and became a good team player. I also learned how to develop software correctly in order to avoid frequent mistakes. Now I have closed the gaps
Kubanychbelov Omur (Flutter)
De.Fi, Flutter developer
Before joining the club, I realized that I needed a structured plan that would gradually introduce me to the language and framework while also helping me develop my additional skills. The heaven stage plan seemed perfect for that purpose. Additionally, the help of the mentors was invaluable in correcting my mistakes and providing guidance.

Isakov Aziret ( UX/UI-design)
One of the largest banks in Kyrgyzstan
Realizing that I could earn good money in the IT field, I decided to pursue a career in this field. However, programming did not appeal to me, so I enrolled in a UX/UI design course at Neolabs in 2021. After completing the course, I completed an internship at Neobis' programming club. The internship proved to be challenging, and I realized that my courses had only provided me with the basics.
Kim Karina (Python)
Webpardox, Php developer
Realizing that I could make good money in the IT field, I decided to pursue a career in this area. However, programming didn't interest me, so I enrolled in a UX/UI design course at Neolabs in 2021. After completing the course, I did an internship at Neobis' programming club. The internship was challenging, and I realized my courses had only given me the basics.
Khasanova reina (Android)
BreezPro, Android developer
While preparing to join the club, I realized how much I love coding and how hard I want to develop in it. Neobis turned out to be the perfect place for this. Each stage of the club made my code stronger, my knowledge stronger and more organized. I grew up mentally and learned work ethic. So, I was more confident joining another cool organization, Outtalent, which helps engineers
Chirkov Alexey (Python)
iTechArt Group, Python backend developer
A study plan, at the beginning of which I sat tirelessly for 8 hours a day for a month and tried to learn something. The first project that was unsuccessful and which showed that it would not be easy. Which even caused my motivation to drop below the baseboard, but after it I rethought everything and came back with a stronger goal and successfully completed the next two projects
That's great! As long as you know the basics of data types, arrays, loops, classes and functions, and OOP, you're ready to apply! Don't worry, we'll determine your exact level during the process. If you're not familiar with these topics, study them first, and then apply.
If you have any questions that are not answered on the site, you can write to us